Suggested Reading

Following are technical & image books that I value and strongly recommend to anyone interested in furthering their knowledge of the art, studying what others have done, or adding to their collection of fine art. I am not generally a fan of “beginner” books, as they don’t give thorough attention to important details (i.e. the Exposure Triangle) and they tend to oversimplify things.

Bryan Peterson – Understanding Exposure

I got this book early on and was impressed with its handling of manual mode photography without being overly technical. Plenty of sample images populate the pages. I find it easy to understand and it covers enough ground without being overwhelming. For beginners or those who have used the “Auto” modes and wish to master “Manual”, I strongly recommend this book.

Ansel Adams: The Camera | The Negative | The Print | An Autobiography

Of Ansel’s 3-part technical series, I most highly recommend “The Negative”. It discusses the Zone System in depth, which is a game-changer for me for metering in both digital & analog photography. Ansel wasn’t just an exquisite photographer, he was also a gifted writer. He had an extensive vocabulary, enthusiasm for his subject, and endless insight. Don’t just buy his fine art books & prints, read what he wrote, especially his autobiography.

Randal Ford: The Animal Kingdom – A Collection of Animal Portraits

I frequently sift through photography books to find hidden treasures, and this gem jumped out. Randal captures the essence of each of the creatures that he photographs – including several predators – and really shows you a new side of them. I highly recommend this book.

Sarah Wilkerson: Capture The Moment – the modern photographer’s guide to finding beauty in everyday and family life

This book gives a wonderful array of simple photographic suggestions along with photos taken by the Clickin Moms community demonstrating the idea. Each one is dealt with individually along with the photo, making it easy for those stuck in a rut or trying to expand their approach to grow step by step.

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